Hello everyone! 👋🙂 I am happy to finally hit the release button on the all new Revolver Tutorial featuring Blender, Marmoset Toolbag 4 and Substance Painter for baking, texturing and portfolio ready renders! 💪
The tutorial is available on the following marketplaces where you will also find all additional information. (Also look out for the 80lv article dropping any moment now that goes over all the chapters in article format)
Gumroad: https://chamferzone.gumroad.com/l/RevolverTutorial
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/ojRqP/revolver-tutorial-industry-ready-weapon-and-attachment-creation-for-video-games (not sure why the storepage has this white backdrop behind the text, I wasn't able to get rid of it)
Flipped Normals: https://flippednormals.com/downloads/revolver-tutorial-industry-ready-weapon-and-attachment-creation-for-video-games/
Blender Marketplace: https://blendermarket.com/products/revolver-tutorial-industry-ready-weapon-and-attachment-creation-for-video-games
Udemy: Coming soon
Remember that if you are ever stuck with anything you can get help at the ChamferZone Discord where we have a lot of talent gathered from all over the world. Here is the invite link: https://discord.gg/chamferzone
See you in the tutorial and happy modeling!🙂