Hi everyone! Today I am happy to share with you the latest free tutorial featuring Blender modeling and unwrapping as well as Marmoset Toolbag 4 for baking and texturing! All relevant information found at the description of each video. Hope you like it! 🙂 👌
A lot of effort goes into the creation of these tutorials nonmatter if they are paid or like this one free on YouTube. If you want to support my work then you can buy this tutorial as a bundle together with the previous one to keep the ChamferZone YouTube channel going with high quality content. In return you get the videos in downloadable format in the best available quality for offline watching. 4 hours and 30 minutes of Blender beginner tutorial content. Your support is much appreciated! https://chamferzone.gumroad.com/l/BlenderForBeginnersTipJarEdition
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